Alicja Kwade on Sale

In Aporie on ensimmäinen julkaisu, jossa on esitelty laajasti Alicja Kwaden (s. 1979) teoksia. Kwaden taiteeseen liittyy monimutkaisia tieteellisiä ja matemaattisia kysymyksiä, kuten todennäköisyyksien laskemista, madonreikiä, loputon universumi ja rinnakkaistodellisuudet.
Julkaisu sisältää artikkeleita Copenhagen Contemporaryn johtajalta Marie Nipperiltä, EMMAn intendentiltä Arja Milleriltä ja Copenhagen Universityn geologian professorilta Minik Rosingilta.
In Aporie is the first monograph on Alicja Kwade (b. 1979) covering a wide range of her intriguing works. Being In Aporie is to be in a state where an insoluble theoretical problem allows for the paradoxical knowledge of one s own ignorance.
From early on in her career, Kwade was never afraid to ponder complicated scientific and mathematical questions such as probability calculation, astronomical wormholes, the endless universe, and parallel realities. And these complex ideas and theories continue to fuel her artistic practice and drive.
The monograph features articles by Danish curator and Director of Copenhagen Contemporary Marie Nipper, Chief Curator at EMMA – Espoo Museum of Modern Art Arja Miller and professor in Geology at Copenhagen University Minik Rosing.
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